
need to go somewhere warmer

Its way to cold here. I dont like. Can somebody please send me there:

Thats Byron Bay. Its nice and warm there. So much better then where I´m at. And it has an ocean.

loosing my dignity...

...and I so do not care. We´ve just received this:

I did not get the email that annonced its pending arrival, so it came as a total surprise. Oh, I love this thing, its the 8816 Summing Amp from Neve which is a supercool piece of Studiogear.

About the loosing my dignity thing...I am actually running around in school and cradle it like a baby...but I am already getting back to dignified-school-manager mode gradually, I stopped kissing it.


the other blog

I just decided that the world needs to know some stuff not Bollywood related about my life too. So world I give you BABABUS.